A new WTFPL license for blog

When I was starting a blog, I wanted to use some free license for it’s contents. That was hard to choose a proper licence, because their texts was so hard to understand (also English is not my native language). So I didn’t spend much time on it and choosed one with a boring long name “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License” and forgot about it.

Today I was browsing Ansible Galaxy to fing a role that will install pip in Vagrant box and in one of these roles I saw a license that called “WTFPL”. I went to their site and immidiately felt that this licence is totally fit my needs. It is simple and allowing to do everything with content. “WTFPL” stands for “Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License”. I even decided to switch blog to it.

Worth checking: http://www.wtfpl.net/about/